Blog Archives
All about Those Bird Counts
Last week, Gloria Baldi (long time active board member of our Kittitas Audubon Society) and I were discussing North American bird counts and dates for upcoming local counts. As the family-friendly Thanksgiving Bird Count was about to happen, Gloria thought I might be...
On Being Thankful
Webster's New World Dictionary does it this way: "Thanks'giv'ing. 1. A formal public expression of thanks to God. 2. An annual U.S. holiday." We kicked off this week of being thankful at one of our regular scholarship dinners Sunday evening. The meal always involves a...
Hypothermia – A First-Hand Perspective
It was an off-Reecer Creek meeting of the Reecer Creek Rod, Gun, Working Dog & Outdoor Think Tank Benevolent Society. The subject on the floor was our coming 2018-19 El Niño winter, and concerns about outdoor activity and hypothermia. Forecasters are suggesting a...
Hunting and R3 Initiatives
We had this conversation a year ago – about diminishing hunter numbers and what that means to our local and national economy and the future of wildlife conservation. The efforts to stem the slump are commonly called R3 (recruitment, retention and reactivation)...
Nature-Deficit Disorder and Humans
You may recall that I have mentioned author Richard Louv a time or two. He is the author of the best-selling book Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder and one of my heroes. Richard was the 2018 speaker for the Doug Walker Lecture...
Why You Should Support WDFW Budget Requests
A couple months back, I addressed the budget hole our Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) was facing in the upcoming 2019-2021 biennium. I also made my argument that, while the department would be asking for license increases, we would still be paying...