Blog Archives
Of Blackbirds and Spring
A handful of us homeys spend a couple dozen winter and spring hours – and parts of a few days – thinking about wildlife habitat. A lot of that planning and thinking effort relates to wetlands and the waterfowl and hundreds of other species relying on them to survive....
All (Mostly, Anyway) About Shed Antler Hunting
You’ve probably been hearing it, too. I’ve had at least a half dozen recent conversations about deer and elk “shed hunting” in the hills around Paradise - our part of Washington State. People get excited about finding cast “horns,” and some of them get downright nuts...
So Long, Patrick F. McManus
Patrick F. McManus has been on my mind. You are aware, no doubt, that Pat went on to his well-earned reward on April 11 in Spokane, Washington. He was 84. As our very own Northwest-grown humorist, and as a man whose conversations I treasured, it somehow seems...
Of Earth Day, Trash, Pigs and Wild Hogs
Funny, all the contexts within which the spirit of Earth Day appears. For nearly 50 years (since 1970), April 22 has been set aside as a time to honor our Mother Earth. Some will argue that the environmental movement had its birth on that day, while others point to...
About the NRA Foundation
Over the half-dozen decades since The Old Man dragged me and my kid brothers to the National Rifle Association (NRA) range in East Wenatchee, “NRA” has always been a good conversation. Depending on where I might be in this country, or another, the association was...
Of Feral Hogs, Feral Cats, and Other Western Invaders
Funny how things converge at odd moments. Three or four weeks back, I was reviewing arrangements for the trip son-in-law Chris Kolakowski and I have been putting together for a Texas feral hog hunt. The TV news story at that moment was about the just-released Western...