Blog Archives
Jack O’Connor, His Legacy, and the Wild Sheep of Today
A couple weeks back, we found ourselves in Reno, Nevada. A senior family member had passed on after a long illness, and Diane needed to help her brother get a few Veterans Affairs and other details managed. You gotta love a happy coincidence. Somehow, that just...
Seasonal Rites and the March of Time
This week’s column is submitted by SeaDeVar Gleed. The judges selected this one and at least one more from entries to my outdoor adventure writing contest. DeVar will receive passes to the upcoming Central Washington Sportsmen Show in Yakima. (By the way, you still...
The Land of Yes
I love these shows. I guess I’ve been attending them for as long as they’ve been around. Right after each New Year, I start thinking about the Washington Sportsman Show in Puyallup, our neighborhood Central Washington Sportsmen Show, and others I can attend. Cousin...
Start 2018 with Driven Mexican Birds
You may recall that Kevin Clements and I teamed up for that 2016 trip to South Africa to play with friends Richard and Ruth Lemmer, owners of Safari Afrika. In addition to a few other critters, we invested enough time and laughter in francolin, Guinea fowl, and...
The Pautzke Bait Company (A National Treasure)
Just before the end of the year, I visited a national treasure – just down the street, on Dolarway, right here in Ellensburg, Washington. Homey Bill Boyum works the rush season, and gave the management a heads up for me. He figured, given all the times he’d heard me...
Sourdough and Many New Years
2018. Wow. A new year shows up and my life shifts around for some new focus. While I eagerly anticipate the coming sportsmen shows - home of those several-days-long outdoor fantasies - I am just not quite ready to let go of the past. Consider that I haven't been...