Blog Archives
A Bighorn for Brian – Part I
In Washington, as in most states with bighorns, there are long odds against being drawn for a hunting permit. Relatively few permits are issued; in the 2016 special permit drawing there were 14 ewe permits and 26 ram permits statewide. If you draw a tag and harvest a...
From Our 2017 Outdoor Writing Contest
You still have a little time to get your own outdoor adventure submitted. In the meantime, the judges have unanimously awarded sets of sportsmen show tickets to two local writers, Dwight Bates and Ed Marshall. Each of their stories offers insight into the interweaving...
Island Hopping through the Yes Island Chain
Cousin Ron Tanquary taught me to catch the minnows needed to bring home nice messes of trout from the Naches River. We were eight years old and had walked the mile from his folks’ place to fish the river after WWII. In this current – and very different – day and age,...
The Battle for Children and Our Outdoor Future
As we sit in this first week of 2017, looking ahead, I’m excited about the future for our kids and those who come after them. Senator Warnick’s office has been drafting the bill for our Washington Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights, and we are hoping that the bill can...
All about Handling a New Year
2017? Wow, how does that happen? I’ve been talking with homeys and am intrigued by their responses to the thought of another “new year.” They’ve ranged from “Big (censored) deal… It’s just another year of same old same old, Jimbo…” to “Cool, huh? I can’t wait to get...
All about Last Minute Christmas Gifting
Last minute? Well, not exactly – you have a good 24 hours yet. Let us consider possibilities. In my mind, any outdoor gift – last minute or not – ought to make or represent a connection between the giver and getter. A real gift acknowledges that connection and the...