Blog Archives
Becoming Wildfire Smart – Part I
Maybe you made it to Dr. Paul Hessburg’s presentation “Living in the Era of Megafires,” a couple weeks ago in Central Washington University’s Science Building. The presentation and film – from The Wildfire Project – were presented by the Cascadia Hazards Institute....
Hunting Exotic Wildlife in Our Homes
When I was a kid in East Wenatchee and Boise, shooting rats at the dump was great fun – and appreciated. Landfills are now more carefully managed. Rats have found new homes. Times have changed If you are reading this, you probably have been reading other things in...
Upper Columbia Steelhead Troubles
If you are a semi-regular with this weekly peek into the outdoors, you are certainly aware that Homey Kirk Johnson and I, along with various and sundry close family, have a thing for the steelhead of fall – especially on the Upper Columbia. Thus it has been that each...
Finally – Deer Season
It was one of those Washington state personalized license plates you wish you had imagined first. I’ve been thinking about it because this is the weekend for which it was created. The weekend before us is the biggest opening weekend among the various openers for...
Here’s to More Outdoor Schools
You probably know how much I appreciate the Roslyn Outdoor School (now Washington Outdoor School), and the work KEEN (Kittitas Environmental Education Network) has done to bring real outdoor education to kids in the Lower Valley at Helen McCabe Park. You certainly...
The Song Dogs of Fall
You’ve probably been hearing them too; coyotes have been doing their evening yipping all around (and in) town over the last couple weeks. Several homeys have asked about the little wild dogs and the pitch and volume of their yips, yaps, barks and howls. (And, no, I’m...