Blog Archives

About Sacred Meals and Hunting/Fishing Openers

Such a strange year, 2020, on so many fronts. Silly me, I have been anticipating and talking up the meals we might still have at the beginning of our general deer and elk seasons – those sacred breakfasts which set us properly on a path to make the precious meat with...

Wyoming Safari – 25th Annual

Last Friday evening, I pulled into Paradise with the meat made during our very successful 25th Annual Wyoming Deer and Antelope Safari. Interestingly, this year I headed out on 11 September and arrived back home on the 18th – exactly the same dates as that first 1996...

Raptors and Fall Watching

With continuing restrictions on gatherings beyond family, the question on the floor had to do with watching wildlife, possible photo opportunities and fresh air. Given the season, and the magic of watching critters gather for long flights to winter, I suggested Red...

Jack O’Connor Lives On

What started all this was a thirty-something homey asking about the logo on my shirt. I was at one of the few safe and open sight-in spots in the foothills, testing some loads for the .270 Edward, last of the Hucklings, would use on our upcoming Wyoming Safari. The...

Of Ravens and Crows

Up in the hills, around town, or on the way to fishing in the Columbia River Gorge, crows and ravens seem to be a regular object of attention lately. They seem to be most everywhere, just making sure we see and hear them, or busily and noisily harassing birds or dogs...

Need A Family Bat Evening?

Looking for a low-impact, quiet, yet delightful family late-evening outing? So was Homey. “Look,” he said, “Sue and I were trying to come up with a cheap evening’s entertainment for us and the three offspring, and I remembered that you once wrote something about...
Of Spring, Wetlands, and Blackbirds

You may have been of the same mind. Frankly, I was having doubts there for a while about whether or not spring would return to the valley. Then we had those teasers of weather, and I was even more uncertain. Then, last sunny and breezy Tuesday afternoon, I drove by...

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James Groseclose Memorial Pheasant Hunt -VI

Last Saturday, we celebrated the Sixth Annual James Groseclose Memorial Pheasant Hunt out at the Cooke Canyon Hunt Club. You recall, no doubt, that our buddy Jim Groseclose (aka J1) suddenly went home just over six years ago – March 21, 2010 – during the Sweet...

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The Social Event of the Season

As you are no doubt aware, we are two weeks away from the Kittitas County Field and Stream Club’s 30th Annual Chukar Run banquet – the social event of the season. It happens Saturday, August 9th, at the Fairgrounds.  Doors open at 4:00, dinner at 6:00 with fun and...

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Loading for Afrika

Several of us are heading to South Africa this summer, to play with our friends Richard and Ruth Lemmer and Safari Afrika. This will be a return trip for some of us and a first adventure for others. Numerous conversations are being held. Anticipation fills the air....

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Spring Outdoor Safety

At last. Spring may be on the way. In response to these increasingly spring-like days, I’m hearing more and more talk about impromptu hikes and adventures. Given how quickly spring weather and hikes can take an unexpected turn, I’m thinking more and more about how...

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Dancing with Cranes

In three weeks, Othello, Washington, will be celebrating its 19th Annual Sandhill Crane Festival. Thousands of serious and well-it’s-just-too-cool-to-miss birders will be observing, photographing, recording and discussing thousands of lesser sandhill cranes. These...

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1231 W University Way
Ellensburg, WA 98926