All About Black Friday and Shopping Locally

It’s that time again. In keeping with Reecer Creek Rod, Gun, Working Dog & Outdoor Think Tank Benevolent Association bylaws, and my role as chair of the Help Outdoor Homeys Manage Black Friday Subcommittee, please find herewith the early hot gifts for your 2014...

The Late Fall Deer Hunt

I took a run up to Colville last week. Sort of a last hurrah for 2014 deer hunting – a couple more days to find that big whitetail buck hanging out in the thickets atop one of the timbered hills perched above Williams Lake Road. Over the last decade or so, this run...

Chasing Steelies

You are no doubt aware that Homey Kirk Johnson and I, along with various and sundry close family, have a thing for the steelhead of fall. Thus it was that Homey, my boyfriend-in-law Brian Smith and I found ourselves driving into Pateros at 6:30 a.m. a week ago. We...

About Migrating Birds and People

I was on the horn, reaching out to one of my closest homeys, calling to invite him to come help me comb some hilly, brushy country up by Colville next week. For several years, I’ve been trying to catch up with one of the big whitetailed bucks that favors a secluded...