Tuesday. It was an off-Reecer Creek meeting of the Reecer Creek Rod, Gun, Working Dog & Outdoor Think Tank Benevolent Association (a.k.a. RCRGWD&OTTBA). On the floor were several items of outdoor and community interest, including, but not limited to, current...
Somewhere around three decades ago, I was the Education Director for the Denver Chapter of Safari Club International. That meant I had a fund for supporting kids’ outdoor camps and for workshops for public school teachers interested in using habitat and wildlife...
While chatting with a couple of my grown Hucklings about the possibilities for Westport Beach, camping and Pacific Ocean play with them and miscellaneous Grand-Hucklings this summer, I kept having flashbacks. “Well,” they insisted, “what could we do? Is it still like...
The little house sparrow was smart, or lucky, enough to build her current nest up under a spot over our deck which was too tight for the starlings to raid. Thus she and hubby have had a relatively peaceful time of rearing youngsters this spring. That, however, has...
Saturday, members of the Kittitas County Genealogical Society took a trip down to the new Wanapum Heritage Center at Priest Rapids Dam on the Columbia River. There, in pictures, dioramas, and words of youth and elders standing in two worlds, is the relationship of the...