Planning Our Winter Wildlife Watch

You’ve been hearing it, too. The La Niña watch has been re-issued for our 2016-17 Pacific Northwest winter, and we are being told to prepare for higher than normal precipitation and normal to colder temperatures – depending on location in the state. At this point, the...

Your Best-ever Thanksgiving?

Homey’s question was simple. “What’s your best-ever Thanksgiving?” I’ve long loved Thanksgiving. I like being thankful for the living beings which continue to sustain us. It’s pretty easy to honor the trees which provide some of our heat and furniture, and...

Becoming Wildfire Smart – Part II

In our last episode, I mentioned that valley native Dale Swedburg spent much of his land and habitat management career with DFW studying fire. He speaks of how regular, naturally-occurring forest fires benefit the lands and the plant communities which evolved with...

Becoming Wildfire Smart – Part I

Maybe you made it to Dr. Paul Hessburg’s presentation “Living in the Era of Megafires,” a couple weeks ago in Central Washington University’s Science Building. The presentation and film – from The Wildfire Project – were presented by the Cascadia Hazards Institute....