About Migrating Birds and People

I was on the horn, reaching out to one of my closest homeys, calling to invite him to come help me comb some hilly, brushy country up by Colville next week. For several years, I’ve been trying to catch up with one of the big whitetailed bucks that favors a secluded...

Something about Coyotes

At the beginning of the week, several of us were gathered around the kitchen table of a couple outdoor nut homeys who take their responsibilities to future generations very seriously. In this case, we were reviewing the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) document...

Odd Pieces of Those Who Shape Us

A couple of us who’ve been on the planet for more than a few decades were joking around – at least in the beginning. Then, we got serious for a while. At the end of it all, there was naught to do but enjoy a good chuckle and a little appreciation for those who shaped...

Why You Want to Vote Against Initiative 594

JIM’s NOTE: In 819 Friday columns for the Ellensburg Daily Record (the last couple years of which are posted here weekly), this is the first one of my tomes that had to be on the editorial/opinion page, as opposed to the outdoor section – can’t...

All About Our Forest Grouses

Forest grouse season opened the first of September. Several homeys have reported seeimg more birds in more places than usual. This is cause for excitement for several reasons: grouse are yummy galliformes (“chicken-like” partridges); bag limits are generous (four a...