Greetings and welcome to my “Inside the Outdoors” blog.
I started writing a weekly outdoor column in 1988, in Colorado, and have been making weekly entries in Central Washington–this place I call Paradise–since 1995. My interests run the gamut from families and wildflowers to chasing big or small fish to shooting and hunting wherever and whenever it can happen. Over the decades, among a thousand plus columns, I’ve written about ticks, birds, wolves, public access to our land (often managed by someone who thinks he or she owns it) and getting kids–our outdoor future–connected to the earth. I love a good argument over firearms, feral cats, wild dogs, fishing rights and horn hunting. And most anything else that gets outdoor blood boiling.
Some years ago, I started the Reecer Creek Rod, Gun, Working Dog & Outdoor Think Tank Benevolent Association (RCRGWD&OTTBA). Read these blog entries and agree to follow our by-laws (someday we’ll find them again) and you are a member in good standing.
Here is how I think this will work. Each week, I will post my current tome. Then, agree or disagree, feel free to share your thoughts at the spot labeled “comments” on this page.
Again, welcome! And thanks for coming to play…